Release Notes
TD Sketcher is our extremely popular product for the creation of drawings for precision tools, but also for data generation and management as well as numerous DIN/ISO/BMG/GDX® interfaces. The following new and improved functions have been implemented in the current release:
NEW Expansion of the interface communication to the NUMROTOplus® programming system
The additional tool types and geometries that can be exported to NUMROTOplus® now include all end mills, cylindrical drills and stepped tools including unequal pitch. The extension of the exportable parameter set with regard to groove and cutting geometries enables a smooth transfer to NUMROTOplus®.
NEW TD Selector enables access to entire project data
In response to many requests, the TD Selector now also includes subfolders as an option. The user now has all the project data available at a glance. This makes it even easier to search for and find the data you need.
NEW The DXF import has been extended
It is now also possible to select the geometries to be imported via several layers that can be set in advance. Component drawings and DIN-standardized drawings can thus be used directly and without further effort as a basis for the external tool geometry.
Optimized functions:
Diameters of cooling channels that were defined during tool creation now remain constant and no longer adjust automatically when changes are made to the tool at a later date.
The representation of PCD plates in the 3D simulation has been revised and optimized.
Clearance angles and rotations of PCD plates are now also visible in the front view.
How to get to the new version!
The new version of the ISBE product TD Sketcher is available for download for all customers. Customers with Premium Support can sit back and relax! TD Sketcher updates itself automatically as soon as a new version is available.
You have not yet booked Premium Support? It’s best to catch up now! This not only reduces the workload for your administrators and IT department, but also gives you other benefits such as fast and individual support for questions about TD Sketcher.
For further information, please contact us at or tel. +49 (0)711 223298-70.